Microsoft Windows has a free program called the Agenda Recordatorio which lets users access some of their files on their computer. If you are trying to find new music to listen to on your music player, but you can't really afford a subscription, then you could use this software. It is a great way to keep all of your music organized so that you know where everything is stored. This software is quite easy to use, and once you have it installed you can just click a button to save it and listen to it right away.
With this software, you will be able to save your files so that you can keep them safe on your PC, without having to pay for them. When you first start up the software, you will notice a prompt box asking you if you want to allow it to read any newly installed files, and they will ask you if you want to save the file to the correct location. The one downside of using this software is that it will only be available on Windows. But with that being said, most people only use Windows at home anyways, so most people don't really have a problem using this software.
A good point about this software is that it lets you organize your music. When you listen to your music, you can now easily find it and where you placed it, by simply finding an album or artist in the program's database. This also lets you view the same albums and artists you may have already been listening to. So even if you aren't using the software, you can still get a feel for what you are listening to and see where you like to listen to it. This will be especially helpful when you are not in the mood to hear a particular artist's song.